About Gary K. Marshall, Attorney at Law

Gary Marshall enjoys working with creative people including entrepreneurs, small business owners, people who create new technology, and artists. He brings over twenty-five years of experience in business and technology law and litigation, including Internet law, and art and entertainment law together in one practice.


Gary’s background includes multiple degrees from Stanford and M.I.T., work for the federal government and the U.S. Congress, and extensive legal experience. For a detailed resume click here.

Areas of Practice

Gary represents small business, individual entrepreneurs, and arts in the following areas:

  • Technology/Internet/Social Media Law & Litigation
  • Intellectual Property (copyright, trademark, trade secret & licensing)
  • Complex Business Litigation
  • Art & Entertainment Law
  • Corporate/Business Law

For a detailed description of the areas of practice click here.

Client Profile

Gary represents business clients, entrepreneurs, technology companies and artists and art-related businesses. He also accepts law firm referrals when a legal matter requires separate legal representation to the parties involved. For a more detailed client profile click here.

Why Choose Me

Why should you consider hiring my small firm practice instead of or in addition to going to a large downtown Law Firm? I can offer the same advantages as the downtown firms with none of the disadvantages of large firms. For more detail click here.


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