Representing Business Clients
Are you looking for a no-nonsense business attorney who can give you solid and accurate legal advice, who can speak your language and understands your needs and provides you with the information you need to make critical decisions? Do you want an attorney who is willing to tell you what you need to know, even if it isn’t always what you want to hear? The Law Offices of Gary Marshall will meet your needs.
The Law Offices of Gary Marshall is well suited to handle the legal needs of small businesses, individual entrepreneurs and artists. The principal, Gary Marshall, has a broad range of expertise in business law and litigation, as well as intellectual property, computer law and arts and entertainment law. He also has a computer background, and business and government experience.
Gary Marshall prefers to practice in a small law firm environment where he give each client his personal attention. He makes an effort to get to know his clients and their businesses, and focuses on providing legal assistance within the overall context of his clients’ business concerns.
Should a client have an issue that it outside of the expertise of the law firm, Gary Marshall has a large network of the best attorneys in town that he can draw on to associate with or to refer the matter to outside of the law firm.
Representing Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs have special needs and concerns that are not necessarily in conflict with the business they are involved in, just different. Gary Marshall understands the needs of the entrepreneur. He understands their desire to create business value. But he also understands that sometimes they need someone to stand up for their rights. Gary Marshall has successfully represented founders of technology companies who involuntarily left their own companies, and founders who voluntarily left their company but were not adequately compensated when the company was later sold. He also successfully represented senior executive staff in their wage claims against the founders of a failed dot.com.
Representing Technology Companies
A technology company needs an attorney who understands the constantly changing environment that technology companies operate in and who can anticipate legal trends in the field even before they are established. With the growth of the Internet, and the convergence of technologies, you need an attorney with a broad range of skills.
Gary Marshall is one of the few attorneys in the country who has twenty or more years of experience in both computer law and arts and entertainment law, as well as a broad business law background. Gary is ideally suited to deal with the legal issues surrounding the emerging technology issues of today.
Representing Artists and Art-Related Businesses
Artists and the companies that distribute their works have unique legal needs that are not well served by the general practitioner. They each need a specialist. For twenty years Gary Marshall has represented all types of artists, and many businesses that license artistic works and hire artists as employees and independent contractors. Gary Marshall understands and admires how artists think and work. But he also understands the business world they have to deal with to protect and to distribute their work. He enjoys being the go-between, facilitating the connection between artists and the business world, bringing these two often very different types of people together. He understands the negotiating interests of both sides. This allows him to and his firm to provide excellent legal counsel to artists and art-related businesses.
Accepting Law Firm Referrals
Large law firms often have conflicts of interest when current or former clients of theirs attempt to do business together or develop disputes, or when there are two or more parties on the same side of a business transaction.
The Law Offices of Gary Marshall is ideally suited to represent the conflicted party because it only represents small businesses, individual entrepreneurs and artists. The law firm is unlikely to have a conflict of interest with representing clients in transactions and disputes with large companies. In particular, Gary Marshall is very qualified to represent the individual entrepreneur in a technology related business entity or transaction. He understands the nature of these transactions, and tries hard not to be obstructionist, while still strongly advocating his client’s best long term interests. The Law Offices of Gary Marshall welcomes referrals from other law firms. |